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Hello! My name is Jacqueline,

I am an Empath, Healer and Psychic Medium. I am passionate in helping people become unstuck, whatever that means to you.

I often ask people to look for an area of life where the desired results are not being achieved. Are you dragging your feet with starting that new business? Do you have limiting money beliefs? Find it difficult expressing your truth? Want to further open your gifts or intuition? Want to live your purpose or passion? For all these reasons and so many more, we can explore what invisible blocks are holding you back. Trauma in past lives, can be keep you unconsciously stuck, in this current life experience.

Akashic Record Healing is a multi level healing session.  I connect with my spirit team to help you uncover invisible blocks in your life.  This includes past life trauma clearing, energetic cord release and removal of stuck energy in the physical body.  Caution: this may bring about or further open up your intuitive/psychic ability. 

How this all started…..

My childhood was quite unique. At an early age, my mother led herself on a spritual path and I went along for the ride. I experienced a variety of quests including meditative chanting groups with Siddha Yoga, starseed gatherings, spirit channeling, practiced Kempo martial arts, and we followed Sai Baba of Shirdi for some time. By 8 years old, I was learning how to use healing energy and meditating. It may not be surprising that I realized my spiritual gifts early and have generations of healers and psychic’s in my family.

It wasn’t until I was pregnant with my special needs son, while married to an alcoholic narcissist, that the volume on everything got turned way up! I began to have very powerful experiences of seeing and knowing while my intuition exploded. After going through many traumatic events and hospitalizations with my son, I began seeing apparitions. I believe that this was spirits way to assert that I was definitely not alone and it helped me through the most difficult time of my life.

I began to develop as a Medium and honed my psychic awareness. As I gave readings, I started to see past lives for the person and was shown what was holding them back and how to clear the energy blocks for them. I received a hugely positive response, from my clients and their transformation was exciting. I developed a unique session style that clears energetic blocks, mostly from past life trauma, heal where it is energetically stored in the body and my clients see and feel how it all relates to their life now. The most fantastic part about it all, is that you emerge anew and free to move through your life with effortless ease, where you were once stuck before. Liberating and life changing, I look forward to working with you.

Detail Oriented

My intention is to clear the root of the cause, to the block being dealt with. I am lead by spirit, to and through each step, to achieve the highest possible outcome.

Complete Work

I consider and check many aspects of the issue to insure the clearing is complete. You won’t need multiple sessions for the same issue.


Highly Sensitive

As a Psychic and Empath, I am able to see underneath the situation to bring about awareness and healing.